11 April 2021

Monthly Makes - April: what's on my needles?

My knitting projects - April 2021

I think that April has to be one of my favourite times of the year. The grass is scattered with daffodils and daisies, tiny green leaves are beginning to sprout on the trees and there's a hint of summer in the air. Following on from a difficult winter in lockdown, spring is certainly a welcome arrival this year. It's even more welcome to knitters and crocheters, as our winter projects are left to hibernate and lighter, breezier garments are cast onto our needles. Despite the weather in the UK flitting between 20˚ and light snow, I have already started to look ahead to a warmer climate, and my needles are currently holding nothing but summery items. I've just got one project on the go at the moment, but I'll be casting on a few more throughout the month. 
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