16 May 2021

Monthly Makes - May: what's on my needles?

Photo collage of the projects I've knitted in May 2021

Time has certainly flown by this month. It feels like only yesterday that I was writing my last Monthly Makes post. I guess that's what happens when you don't take the time to stop and appreciate the here and now. It's been quite a productive month in terms of knitting, and I'm quite happy to have finished at least one project this May. I currently have two projects on my needles, both of which are my own designs. I've had to dive headfirst into the world of knitting mathematics to determine things like armholes, set-in sleeve caps and necklines. It's been a difficult process, but one that I've enjoyed. Nevertheless, I'm hoping that next month's knitting escapades will be a little more relaxed and mindful. 

15 May 2021

Free Knitting Calculator for Evenly Spaced Decreases

As any experienced knitter or crocheter may know, working out the maths behind evenly spaced increases or decreases can be a challenging task. Not every crafter is numerically gifted, and such complex maths puzzles can leave us completely perplexed. I myself have struggled to work out how to increase evenly in knitting and crochet projects - there are just too many numbers to keep track of! It's for exactly that reason that I decided to sit down and work out the maths to make my very own knitting increase calculator. Naturally, it would be selfish to keep such a useful tool all to myself, so I thought I would share it with the rest of the knitting community. I do hope that you find the knitting calculator useful - it's certainly been a lifesaver for some of my own knitting projects!  

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