28 August 2021

Monthly Makes - July and August: what's on my needles?

It's been a busy couple of months this July and August, but not all that busy with regards to crafting. I'm afraid I've only finished two projects this month - a rather low total by my own standards. But I've more than made up for my lack of knitting with the amount of knitting-related books and accessories I've bought. During these summery months, I have been able to travel to a few different places. The South Coast, Yorkshire, London... each place has had at least one quaint craft shop and plenty of second-hand shops for me to find lovely little buttons, vintage knitting books and unique yarns. However, travelling around so much has come at a price - I haven't had as much time to actually knit! Partnered with the fact that I moved out of my flat last month, I've not had much time to spend on actual crafting. Nevertheless, I'll tell you all about the two items I've managed to finish this month, as well as some of my upcoming projects. 

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